Relevant is the new sexy

Hören wir auf, die Kunden mit belangloser Kommunikation zuzumüllen – seien wir lieber relevant! Dass dieser Gedanke zukunftsweisend ist, sehen gemäss einer Studie auch Marketing Executives aus aller Welt so. Gastbeitrag von Sarah Pally, Partner & Partner.


Communication tailored to the individual customer - that's what everyone wants, but very few do. That's according to a study by Adobe. The people surveyed1 currently see the greatest potential in tailored communication. They also attach great importance to the better use of marketing tools for segmenting and targeting data.


Challenges in 2019

As the study mentions, this can only be mastered if companies address the customer journey of their customers. The study participants are well aware of this: for example, one third of the larger companies will give high priority to managing the customer journey in 2019, closely followed by targeting, personalization and customer data management. Content marketing and marketing automation - two indispensable components of data-based marketing - also rank high. What they have in common is relevance.


Relevant - but how?

The media industry has long been familiar with the term "relevance. It is constantly trying to create new and improved relevance - through regionality, speed, particularly good research or gripping presentation. The term is also familiar in online marketing, but in the context of search engine optimization (SEO).

The mix of data-driven marketing, content marketing and marketing automation enables a new dimension of relevance. Today, it's about delivering the right content to the right customer at the right time - automatically and continuously.

At Partner & Partner, we have developed a formula for this performant relevance:

  • (content + data) * automation = relevance


Backlog in Switzerland

Swiss companies still rarely communicate in this way. Apparently, they have not yet recognized the importance or are in no hurry to optimize their customer approach. However, a few have started using data-based approaches. Betty Bossi, for example, is one of them. Meanwhile, in other countries, people are already talking about AI-driven automation, that is, the logic of automation learning on its own.

One thing is certain: most customers are happy when they no longer receive irrelevant content, but content that is relevant to them. This also pays off for companies - through more loyal customers and higher sales.


1) Over 12,000 marketing, advertising, e-commerce, creative, and IT professionals worldwide were surveyed: see the "Digital Trends 2019" survey by Adobe and Econsultancy.


The author Sarah Pally is a senior consultant at Partner & Partner. She advises large and small companies on all aspects of 1:1 marketing, content marketing and marketing automation.

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