According to Frost & Sullivan study, new customer generation Z can be reached with the environment and the common good

Die auf die Millennials folgende Generation Z ist die Zukunft - auch als Kunden. Um diese jungen Menschen zu erreichen, werden soziale Medien zu einem kritischen Geschäfts- und Marketing-Kanal, so eine Studie von Frost & Sullivan.


In the analysis "Generation Z as Future Customers, Forecast to 2027", the analyst firm looks at which strategies are promising for brands. For example, it makes sense to focus on topics such as the environment, health and the common good.


Huge market potential

Generation Z, defined by Frost & Sullivan as those born between 1993 and 2007, makes up almost a quarter of the world's population and will have increasing purchasing power in the coming years. Accordingly, it is becoming increasingly important for brands to adapt to the requirements of this generation. "Gen Z prefers brands that enable user-generated content and rely on social media influencers for marketing," says Lynne Goulding, Principal Consultant, Visionary Innovation Group. Companies that focus on authenticity, transparency and outstanding user experiences therefore appear to be well positioned.

"Gen Z's need for speed, accuracy and convenience will make mCommerce and mobile payment systems popular," says Goulding. To appeal to the generation, it would make sense to develop strategies for popular platforms such as SnapChat, Secret and Whisper, according to Porgnose. However, according to the forecast, social media is not only even more important for marketing, but also as a direct sales platform for goods and services. "Companies need to ensure seamless, fast and engaging mobile experiences."


Good reputation

According to Frost & Sullivan, reputation is becoming even more important when dealing with Generation Z, and in two ways. On the one hand, it is important for brands to build a positive digital reputation, as Gen Z likes to be guided by user reviews, product information or retailer ratings when making considered purchasing decisions. On the other hand, there are many in the emerging customer generation who want to show a social conscience. According to Frost & Sullivan, environmental and social strategies are required to appeal to this part of Gen Z. (pte)

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