Multiscreen campaign management

BOOKTIP In the book "Management von Multiscreen-Kampagnen" (Management of Multiscreen Campaigns), author Hartmut Brügner explains which trends there are in the multiscreen area, which conditions campaigns should fulfill and how a campaign is developed.Almost around the clock, we stare privately or professionally at various "screens", from the computer to the TV and the smartphone to the tablet. A lot of screens, in other words, [...].

Almost around the clock, we stare at various "screens" in our private or professional lives, from the computer to the TV and the smartphone to the tablet. That's a lot of screens that a strategically well-constructed campaign should combine. This book uses conclusive examples to show how this complex task can be solved. The reader first gets to know the players in the multiscreen market and their interests, and learns where the trend is heading. In the second part, the author guides him step by step through campaign management. The many illustrations contribute greatly to the understanding of the not always very simple subject matter. The reader in a hurry will be pleased with the good structure and the summaries at the beginning of each chapter. Regrettable are the many convoluted sentences, peppered with anglicisms typical for advertisers, but actually unnecessary. But the reader is rewarded for the resulting effort, as the book provides many new ideas and shows what is possible and where the limits lie.A must for marketing managers, media planners and advertising strategists, finds getAbstract.getAbstract rating: 7Feasibility: 8   Degree of innovation: 8Style: 4

Publisher: Springer GablerPublication Year: 2015Pages: 155ISBN: 9783658060343

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