Charity Booth event brings Meta people together with organizations

Werbewoche attended Meta's first Charity Booth event in Switzerland, where six organizations were invited to present their charitable activities and motivate Meta employees to get involved.

Group picture from the Meta Charity Booth Event 2023

Denisse Sevastian, Senior Software Engineer at Meta and co-organizer of the Charity Booth event, explained the overarching goals of the event to In addition to raising employee awareness of volunteering, Meta also wants to raise awareness within the company. Sevastian is an advocate of social commitment and emphasizes the need to actively involve people in meaningful activities.

Enrico Morosi is Head of Vocational Measures and Integration at the Brunau Foundation. Morosi emphasizes the foundation's main task, the integration and training of young people with disabilities. He particularly emphasizes the importance of sheltered workplaces and is open to support from Meta, especially in the area of social media.

Hanna Gerig and Malek Ossi from Brine net present their volunteer organization for refugees and undocumented migrants. Their focus is on creating opportunities for refugees and locals to meet. Meta employees are invited to participate in their projects and actively contribute to the integration of people in society.

Hanna Gerig and Malek Ossi from Solinetz

Kees von der Plas, Fundraising Officer at Social Work Pastor Siebergives an insight into the core tasks of the organization. He emphasizes the need for volunteers and donations, especially during the winter months. Von der Plas is delighted with the collaboration with Meta and emphasizes the importance of individual contributions.

Alicia Altmueller and Claudia Signer from Zharity present their organization, which focuses on providing used items and hygiene kits for people in need. Their appeal is not only for individual support, but also for potential collaborations with Meta at a corporate level.

The perspective of Maria Zverina, Engineering Director at Meta, offers an insight into the company's strategic direction in the social sector. Zverina is interested in partnerships with the charity organizations presented and emphasizes the importance of a strong connection between Meta and the local community.

Giselle, the new Office Lead of Meta in Zurich, emphasized to the importance of giving and her gratitude for her privileged position. She explained that it is always interesting for her to find out about charities in Switzerland and inquired about the experiences of those present with volunteering.

Overall, the first Charity Booth event illustrates the variety of social initiatives that Meta would like to support. From integrating people with disabilities and supporting refugees to providing second-hand items, the tech giant, which has created applications such as Instagram, Whatsapp and Facebook, shows itself to be a company that actively seeks to make a positive social impact. The interviews conducted emphasize not only the diversity of the projects, but also Meta's openness to promoting both individual engagement and cooperation at company level.


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