Instagram allows reporting of suspected fake news

Instagram says it is stepping up its fight against fake news. With immediate effect, all users will gradually be given the opportunity to report suspected misleading messages to the subsidiary of the US group Facebook.


According to Facebook spokeswoman Stephanie Otway, the new function should be available to all users by the end of the month. Verification of the reported messages would then be carried out by external bodies.

Posts whose content is false but which do not violate the online service's guidelines will not be deleted, according to the information provided. However, they will no longer be displayed to other users under a hashtag. This alone could "significantly limit the reach of false information.

Facebook is investing heavily in preventing fake news, Otway said. In this context, she announced further updates for the coming months. Facebook has been facing accusations for years that it does not do enough to stop the spread of misinformation, especially during election campaigns. (SDA)

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