Still no agreement between Freiburg and Airbnb

The canton of Fribourg and the American booking platform Airbnb have not yet reached an agreement on the levying of visitor's tax. The agreement announced in January could not be implemented.


"We have not yet been able to finalize the agreement due to technical problems on the part of the canton of Fribourg," confirmed Fribourg's tourism director Pierre-Alain Morard in a report in the newspaper La Liberté on request.

According to Morard, the tax is divided into three parts: a municipal, a regional and a cantonal tax. Each part differs from one municipality or region to another. Another problem is the Airbnb offer: "We thought that the accommodation offers on the platform were all of the bed and breakfast type, which fall under the para-hotel sector," explains Morard. However, Airbnb also features offers from hotels or vacation apartments that do not charge high taxes. The aim of the Fribourg Tourism Association is to sign the agreement in November. The deal is then expected to enter the political debate in January. (SDA)

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