BVG wishes B(e)iden the election victory

Berlin's public transport company BVG has once again scored a creative hit with its latest campaign.


The US elections have been going on since Tuesday night. Donald Trump and Joe Biden are in a neck-and-neck race, and as of early Thursday evening everything is still open - and both parties are confident of victory.

The whole world is rooting for the winner, and many are publicly sharing their opinions on social media about who should win. The Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (Berlin public transport company) doesn't miss the opportunity to put in its two cents. Although - as is first made clear - as a public company they are not allowed to take sides, a clever "graphic slip" quickly makes it clear which party they are positively inclined towards.


The last name of the Democratic presidential candidate generally holds enormous potential for puns, as shown by a tweet - unfortunately not real - that appeared on the meme platform 9gag. With this in mind: Bi den and until next time.


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