These Peugeot billboards convert noise into electricity to charge cars

BETC has erected a billboard in Paris that converts street noise into electricity. It is used to advertise the electric Peugeot e-208.


What sounds like an early April Fool's joke is apparently a reality: electricity can be generated from noise. With Clear Channel, BETC Paris has set up a billboard installation that converts sound waves into usable electricity. The integrated e-vehicle charging station thus adds the emissions, which are largely caused by combustion engines, to the alternative drive. A noise recycling system that promotes a much quieter form of mobility. 

An impressive idea, at least in theory. Whether the billboards can really be used to charge a car within a reasonable period of time is at least questionable. The poster sites are also connected to the normal power supply and "refuel" the car in the mix. The noise power is likely to play a rather minor role - symbolically, however, it makes a strong statement: the future lies in alternative energy sources and in a quieter everyday life. After all, if the source for the sound wave generators dries up, nobody will have anything against it.

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