Last but not least: Big Data Takedown

Do you still have an old Myspace profile or a forgotten Hotmail address? An initiative is getting to grips with unused data - for the sake of the climate.


An interesting approach from Peru, developed by the Grey agency: 80 percent of people use only 20 percent of their stored data. Over the years, we have all accumulated countless e-mail addresses, profiles or other data that we no longer need today. The problem: The data garbage is "kept alive" somewhere on servers. This is energy-intensive and harmful to the climate. Millions of terrabites could be deleted because they are no longer needed - often people are simply too lazy to do so or don't even remember the digital legacies. The world's clouds consume the power of 30 nuclear power plants. The website helps get rid of mountains of data, shrinking the global data garbage pile. Grey created the site for the NPO developed and implemented. (hae)

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