Advertising print slightly down at the beginning of the year

Advertising print in all media declined slightly at the beginning of the year, but remained stable year-on-year. This is the result of the Goldbach Index (GEMI) on advertising print in January 2017.


Total advertising impressions for all media remained on average year-on-year, and were even slightly higher than a year earlier. In a month-on-month comparison, however, advertising print declined slightly again for the first time. Advertising print, which has risen steadily since the beginning of 2016, declined slightly in January 2017 in all areas (TV, electronic media, and also radio and internet).


The Goldbach Index (GEMI)

The index for advertising print in the overall market and in the electronic media initiated by the Goldbach Group is based 100 percent on the data collected and published monthly by Media Focus. The GEMI provides information on the indexed development of the various electronic media compared to the overall market since the introduction of the first advertising window in 1993 (digital advertising space from 2007). In a two-stage process, monthly seasonality is filtered out of the time series. In the short-term view, the past 12 months of the electronic media TV, radio and Internet are shown in each case.

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