The House shows the diversity of the Migros Club School

Every year, more than 200,000 people take advantage of the courses offered by Klubschule Migros. The House was commissioned with the conception and implementation of a new, comprehensive and multi-year campaign that dynamically promotes more than 300 courses.

The Zurich agency The House was already responsible for the umbrella campaign and the associated design appearance from 2018. The current campaign focuses on the diverse course areas of "Languages", "Health" and "Creativity" and bridges the gap between brand and offer levels. The declared goal of the concept development was to show the great variety of courses and the joy of attending a course with only a few protagonists.

With "As diverse as you", a new guiding and campaign idea as well as image and moving image world was developed, which is used throughout Switzerland in a multi-faceted media mix as well as for in-house communication. The new campaign idea was implemented by means of videos and statics for different advertising formats on- and offline. In addition, a comprehensive style guide was developed to serve as a guide for the Klubschule's own use.

Wide-ranging offer, modular campaign

The new umbrella campaign aims to inspire the target group to take advantage of the impressive range of courses offered by the Klubschule with its hundreds of different courses. The central idea makes it possible to convey the broad range of courses as a central core with just three models.

Another important aspect is the modularity of the campaign. Using short, self-contained sequences in which one protagonist represents each of the three areas, the focus of the advertising material can be set differently, depending on requirements and the target group. For this purpose, different moving image scenes and static subjects were created for each area, which can be combined across the board. In total, more than 200 assets were created in all languages, making the campaign as diverse as the Klubschule.

The campaign functions as a construction kit for the Club School. In the long term, this should make it possible to adapt both the spots in all vignette combinations and cutdown variants, as well as with modular visuals individually to the target groups and focal points.

The "As diverse as you" campaign was launched in mid-August. The lead medium is posters and DOOH, supplemented by various online implementations and social media.

Responsible at Miduca: Sabina Cadalbert (Head of Marketing & Communications), Manuela Handschin (Head of Online), Simona Hurter (Markom Manager), Marcel Imbach (Online Manager). Responsible at The House: Frank Lang (CEO), Sascha Borsai (CD Concept/Text), Oliver Spalt (Senior Art Director), Samuel Bolow (Graphic Designer), Lorena Mengotti, Nina Schennach (Senior Consultant). Implementation, Production & Media: Shining Film, Jonathan Heyer (Photography and Film), Leonardo Sanfilippo (Executive Producer & Partner), Nathalie Maibach (Production), Sebahat Film + Foto, Sebahat Derdiyok (Art Buying), Essenz Graphic Design, Mediago Conseil. Media: ZipMedia, Dept Digital Marketing.


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