Sodastream launches Pride campaign with Laverne Cox as superheroine

As part of Pride Month 2021, SodaStream is launching a campaign featuring Emmy-nominated actress and LGBTQI+ rights activist Laverne Cox telling her personal "Rainbow Story" in an animated film.

Sodastream startet Pride-Kampagne mit Laverne Cox als Superheldin

The film features Laverne Cox as a superhero and takes viewers through key moments in her life. It begins with a live-action sequence and then transitions into animation as Laverne's story unfolds. It shows how Laverne Cox evolves from childhood and the challenges of that time to the strong woman she is today.

Cox shares important milestones in the fight for LGBTQI+ rights and celebrates her personal successes, some of which were firsts for the trans community around the world. The video is meant to encourage all viewers to proudly share their own rainbow stories.

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