Art.i.schock starts fundraising with Zurich bars and clubs

Die Bar & Club Kommission (BCK) Zürich ruft zu Spenden für das Zürcher Nachtleben auf. Trotz der Unterstützung von Bund und Kanton werde es wegen der Corona-Krise Härtefälle geben. Die Zürcher Agentur Art.i.schock hat die BCK bei der Konzeption und Umsetzung unterstützt.

Zurich's clubs, including the Hive Club (pictured), are currently closed due to the coronavirus pandemic. The Bar & Club Commission Zurich is now calling for donations. (Image: Keystone/Ennio Leanza)

The Fundraising campaign will be held under the motto "Für e gueti Nacht - Ausgeben statt Ausgehen", announced the BCK Zurich on Friday. The money donated will go to the newly created Zurich Night Culture Fund, the BCK Zurich or charitable organizations, depending on the donor's wishes.

The resources of the Night Culture Fund are to be used for the benefit of night culture companies based in the city of Zurich and individuals living in the canton of Zurich. The allocation of the funds is linked to a set of regulations. The decisive criterion is that added value is created for Zurich's nightlife.

The money received by the BCK will be used for lobbying work on behalf of the industry. A portion of the donations will also be passed on to Swiss Solidarity's "Coronavirus Schweiz" and the Zurich-based "Essen für Alle" campaign. (SDA/pd/swi)


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