20 Minutes Radio and Rod support the community in everyday work at home

In April, 20 Minuten Radio and Rod Kommunikation launch a short-term campaign under the slogan "The radio by your side. The editorial offer is supplemented with a music offer for the home office. It also portrays the community in its quarantine everyday life.

20 Minuten

Since November 2019, 20 Minuten Radio has been providing the sound to 20 minutes and complements the brand with news as well as content specifically tailored to the community. Together with Rod Kommunikation, the lead agency of 20 minutes, a new campaign geared to the current special situation is now being rolled out under the slogan "The radio at your side."

Program director Marc Jäggi emphasizes that the program has also been adapted to the new needs of the community. Since mid-March, for example, 20 Minuten Radio has been offering sound for the home office and accompanying listeners through the day in a structured way. In addition, various aspects of the changed living conditions are highlighted and individual listeners are portrayed.

The campaign has been live throughout German-speaking Switzerland since March 23 on billboards, print ads, display ads and social media.

20 Minuten

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