Walder,advertiser creates a great film for great humanitarian aid

Walder,Werber has realized a moving film for Rotary Switzerland/Liechtenstein for the big anniversary "100 years Rotary Foundation" and the national Rotary Interdistrict Conference 2017.


The Rotary Foundation is one of the world's largest charitable and humanitarian aid organizations. "Rotary helps people - Lungie's Story", as the title says, tells a true story of a young woman from the township "Langa" in South Africa.


The two-day big event in the Kongresshaus Zurich took place last weekend, for which walder,werber also provided communications support. The short "feature film" touched hundreds of Rotarians - as did the emotional live performance of the protagonist Lungiswa Nzube from South Africa, who was flown to Zurich especially for the event.

Responsible at Walder,Werber: Sandro Walder (overall direction), Stefan Moeschlin (creative direction), Michael Döös (animation), Daniel Baumgartner (consulting). Film production & camera: Goodlight film, Alexander Szombath. Directed by: Bernie Forster. Script & Editing: Alexander Szombath & Bernie Forster.

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