Content&form syosst the swiss commuters

Schweizer Pendler haben die Haare schön. Dank Syoss und Inhalt&Form.

Bildschirmfoto 2017-05-23 um 11.47.29

For Syoss, Inhalt&Form realized the continuation of the "Get syossed" campaign as lead agency. Morning train commuters were surprised by a special kind of live experience: a Syoss styling team offered them professional hair styling on their way to work. Including hair wash. Which caused great amazement and lively joy. Once again, they were able to prove in an amusing way that it is possible to have salon-beautiful hair every day. Even if only the time on the way to work remains for it. The campaign is flanked by bloggers and influencers, the emotional online film The Tief, as well as a case film, POS measures, and a Microsite for which Inhalt&Form is responsible.

Responsible at Henkel & Cie: Christian Volk (Marketing Manager Henkel Beauty Care). Responsible for content&form: Dominik Stibal (CEO), Kristian Brändle (Strategy & Digital Director), Karin Estermann (Creative Director), Jan Löchler (Graphic Designer), Anja Schnider (Multimedia Producer), Manuela Marty (Project Manager), Cornelia Nünlist (Walker), Stefanie Huber (Walker), Catherine Elf (Walker). Responsible at Addictive Film: Stephan Christen (Director & Production).

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