Customized art project for Swiss jeans label Selfnation

Y&R hat mit dem New-Media-Künstler Petros Vrellis eine Kampagne für Selfnation kreiert.


How can individuality be expressed? To explore this question, Y&R Group Switzerland launched an international campaign for the tailor-made jeans manufacturer Selfnation in April in cooperation with the new media artist Petros Vrellis, in which art, mathematics and fashion merge.

Selfnation is Europe's leading online platform for tailored jeans. A specially developed algorithm guarantees the perfect fit for every figure. To draw attention to the individuality of tailored jeans, Selfnation has launched an extraordinary art project together with new media artist Petros Vrellis.


Vrellis has developed an algorithm that creates a transposition of connected lines based on portrait photos. Based on mathematical calculations, Vrellis realized two portraits of well-known influencers from the Swiss fashion scene. For the physical artworks, he uses a single, 6,500-meter-long thread in each case.

The portraits became the key visual for Selfnation's print, poster and online campaign. Two TV spots showcased the artworks in a very special way. The art project was additionally shared with the public on social media and on Selfnation's website. As a further marketing measure, a contest was held to estimate the length of the thread used for the portraits.


Responsible at Selfnation: Andreas Guggenbühl (CEO), Michael Berli (CTO), Matteo Delbrück (Head of Marketing), Martina Banderet (Content & Social Media Manager). Responsible at Y&R Group Switzerland: Markus Gut (CCO), Swen Morath (ECD), Sandro Tissi (AD), Linda Solanki (text), Nick Hermann (consulting). Artwork: Petros Vrellis. Responsible at Markenfilm: Michael Gloor (production), Dominik Gehring, Tobias Kaufmann (camera).

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