Black menu

Im Rahmen des Mandates der 360°-Kommunikation für die Marke Sel des Alpes realisiert Franz&René eine digitale Kampagne und ein unkonventionelles Gastronomieevent, das die Marken-Ambassadeure, die beiden jungen Chefköche Ben&Léo, würdigt.


While the whole city of Fribourg celebrates St. Nicholas Day, the campaign focuses on the man in the shadows, the Schmutzli.


According to the Fribourg tradition, the Schmutzli does not hand out rods to disobedient children, but pieces of coal. The digital campaign and the newly launched dinner realized by Ben&Léo at the "Café de la Fonderie" are also based on this idea.


The menu prepared by the two chefs, the entire ambience, as well as the decoration of the evening: everything was presented in black.


Several communication measures were used to publicize the event. As a first step, the agency created a video that was shared on Facebook with sponsored posts. In it, the French-speaking Swiss were invited to drop by with a teaser to taste a Kohlemenü. In parallel, the agency was able to benefit from the presence of the Sel des Alpes stand in the "Fribourg Centre" shopping center. The promoters on site distributed flyers with all the information about the upcoming Schmutzli event and one could also reserve seats there for the evening at the "Café de la Fonderie". Furthermore, plates with charcoal, along with invitation flyers were displayed in four partner bakeries in the city. Finally, a newsletter was sent out. All communication measures were aimed at the online reservation platform, where one could get hold of the much sought-after seats.

Responsible at Franz&René: Strategic Direction: Valérie Pecalvel (Strategic Direction); Luciano Gerber (Strategic Direction); Vincent Eichenberger (Campaign Manager); Vania Mendes (Intern Account Executive); Yoann Cosson (Concept Copywriter); Sven Jungo, Nadine Schneuwly (Graphic design). Film: Take Off Productions. Social media: Mondays. Dj: Mugabo & Mamzelle Charlotte. Photographer: Karim Nassar. Decoration: Rino Factory Sàrl / Interio (Granges-Paccot).

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