Keystone-SDA PR team launches "WeArePepper" agency

Per 1. Oktober 2020 startet das Team der Abteilung «PR & Influencer Relations» der Keystone-SDA mit der neuen PR-Agentur WeArePepper. Die Zürcher Agentur konzentriert sich weiterhin auf die angestammten Geschäftsfelder Public Relations und Influencer Relations. Ein weiterer Fokus liegt auf dem Ausbau der visuellen PR.

Sebastian Schneider and Karin Lehmann run the PR agency "WeArePepper".

After Keystone-SDA decided at the beginning of the year to give up its PR business for strategic reasons, Karin Lehmann and Sebastian Schneider are now opening their own agency. As part of a management buy-out, WeArePepper is taking over all clients from the existing Public Relations and Influencer Relations divisions.

The duo already headed the agency under the name PPR Media Relations as a subsidiary of Keystone-SDA, where they built up a considerable client base in the context of classic and visual PR work. As a new division of Keystone-SDA, the two continued to lead the team and focused more on the growth areas of influencer relations and video.

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