Roman Probst founds marketing and PR agency Marketing-Probst

Following the sale of Translation-Probst and his trip around the world, Roman Probst has taken on a new challenge with Marketing-Probst.


Around a year ago, Roman Probst sold the translation service provider Translation-Probst to a French company. The handover was well planned, so that one year on, growth is continuing and there have been no staff redundancies, writes Probst in a press release.

Roman Probst took some time out and traveled the world until he arrived in Hawaii this summer: "Here I had a lot of time to think, did a lot of sport and surfed at the most beautiful spots in the world. However, I found myself missing Switzerland, my surroundings and my work more and more. And the desire to share my experiences with other entrepreneurs to help them move forward. When I found myself scribbling away at a new business model and even started writing down the text manuscript for my new website, I knew I was done."


Encouraged by conversations with an acquaintance from Switzerland who was also surfing in Hawaii, Roman Probst booked his return flight to Switzerland, where he arrived on August 6 and immediately set about implementing his business idea. The mission: to make start-ups, SMEs and exits successful - with marketing and communication, from analysis to implementation.

Roman Probst explains the idea behind it as follows: "The experiences I have had as an entrepreneur are unique: from the foundation to the development and internationalization to the sale. In some situations, I wish I had been able to count on a reliable consultant, project manager or realizer. And yet today I am very grateful for the sometimes difficult, but also great moments that I was able to experience as an entrepreneur. I would like to pass this experience on to other entrepreneurs and make them successful. My wish is to promote awareness of strict customer orientation and innovation in Switzerland and to secure jobs through tailor-made succession solutions for companies."

The launch was a success: even before the agency's website went online, the first three mandates were up and running. In addition, Marketing-Probst is already one of the agencies affiliated with Kommunikation Schweiz.

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