Branded TV is more effective than TV commercials

TV content is much more effective for the success of brands than traditional TV advertising. Viewers see brands in a much more positive light as a result of such content. Above all, it is important that the content of TV series and the brand shown in them fit together. This is the result of a survey by the British TV station Channel 4.


"Branded content gives brands the opportunity to work with producers to develop high-quality media entertainment. This allows them to integrate their values and messages into stories that viewers want to see," says Sophie Lloyd, Head of Branded Entertainment at Channel 4.

Channel 4 analysts used both audience information on their own shows and survey data for the survey. According to them, branded TV content leads to a 29 percent higher perception for brands than ordinary commercials. Audiences also have a more positive image of brands in almost half of cases as a result of branded content.


Program must be success

According to Channel 4, producing a TV commercial is much easier and less costly than putting a brand into a TV series in an effective way. The brand must fit the content of the series, and the show must be a success with the audience. But if the strategy is successful, brands can engage viewers over a longer period of time and build a positive relationship with them. (pte)

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