Jim & Jim: Social youth campaign for Always

Die auf Youth Marketing spezialisierte Agentur Jim & Jim hat rund um das internationale «Like A Girl»-Engagement der «Procter & Gamble»-Marke Always eine umfassende Social Media Kampagne für den Schweizer Markt konzipiert und umgesetzt.

The core of "#LikeAGirlCH" is a photo and video competition in which participants show how to do everyday things like "a girl" and thus defy this negative phrase. The competition is flanked by classic online banners, Facebook and Instagram ads, as well as various influencer activations, native advertising and brand PR.

"Like A Girl" was launched by Always in 2014 to boost the self-confidence of girls and young women going through puberty. To defy the common phrase "you run, throw or jump like a girl" with irony, young people of different ages were asked to do something "like a girl" as part of a film project.


To raise awareness of the "Like A Girl" commitment in this country, Jim & Jim has joined forces with Proctor & Gamble and distribution partner Coop to launch the "#LikeAGirlCH" campaign. Aimed at girls and young women from 13 to their late 20s, the campaign aims to give positive meaning to the phrase "doing something like a girl" and to raise awareness of the commitment and the brand.


As the core of the campaign, participants were called upon to post photos and videos of themselves doing something ostensibly everyday and to tag them with the hashtag #LikeAGirlCH. A number of posts are constantly coming in, which are both creative and diverse. Whether in full diving gear snorkeling in the bathtub, making a daredevil jump off a bridge, or taking a sightseeing flight in a "Boeing 777" simulator, the participants really go all out in everything they do, earning positive feedback across the board. All the contributions are published on the Likeagirl.ch and the winners of the competition were determined by user voting. In order to achieve a lively interaction with the end consumers, additional focus was placed on classic measures in the social media area with banner advertising as well as Facebook and Instagram ads, flanked by various influencer activations, native advertising and brand PR.

Participant video selection:



Box Jumps

Responsible at Jim & Jim: Fabio Emch (overall management and conception), Annina Schamberger (project manager), Andrin Buchli (project coordination).

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