Shortcuts: "Do you understand difficult?"

Shortcuts created and implemented a social media campaign for Postfinance. In a street survey in the federal city, Hannes Hug, as a raving reporter, asks passers-by tricky questions.

Among other things, he wants to know from Alex Tschäppät what the incomprehensible "official German expression" "Raumübergreifendes Grossgrün" stands for. It's quite clear to the Bernese Stapi: a "large green area spanning the entire region" can only be the city of Bern. Funny, but unfortunately wrong. The correct term would have been: a tree.


The social media campaign created and implemented by Shortcuts supports Postfinance's theme campaign on the difficult questions in life. The clip, which was launched on Postfinance's Facebook page, was additionally Quiz for private and business customers.


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