Wirz and BFU/VCS pack the world for cyclists

Just in time for the start of the bicycle season, Wirz realized a special campaign as part of the "Love Velo - Immer mit Helm" ("Love Velo - Always wear a helmet") campaign by BFU, VCS and Swiss Cycling.

In the early morning on the Utoquai in Zurich and on the Zentralplatz in Biel, numerous potential collision objects in the street space - from poles and pillars to benches and trees to cars and fountains - were completely wrapped with padded packaging foil. The films were held together by adhesive tapes with the inscription "Even better protection is provided by a bicycle helmet," according to the release. "For once, we wanted to demonstrate in a slightly different way that there are very simple ways to protect your head. With a surprising on-site action that also has the potential to be picked up by the media," says Thomas Kurzmeyer, Creative Director at Wirz. Because bicycle helmets are still worn too rarely in everyday life, especially in the city. "The risk of accidents over short distances is often considered low," explains Daniel Menna from the BFU, "which is why the helmet stays at home despite being available."

The campaign and the media response in the Blick am Abend, the Bieler Tagblatt and on Bluewin TV, among others, show that such fundamentally serious topics can also be communicated with wit and without any moralistic finger-pointing.

Responsible at the BFU Beratungsstelle für Unfallverhütung: Peter Matthys (Head of Marketing / Campaigns), Camilla Krebs (Campaign Manager). Responsible at VCS Verkehrs-Club der Schweiz: Cristine Steinmann (Project Manager Road Safety). Responsible at Wirz Advertising: Thomas Kurzmeyer (CD), Rahel Nemitz (art direction), Ben Staudenmann (graphics), Franziska Pennington (text), Flurin Hardt, Fabiana Imhof (consulting), Royal Rolls Production (film production), Streuplan (promotion).


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