Flux Design and Brugger: Living classics staged for Wohnbedarf Basel

Flux Design/Brugger have realized a new advertising campaign for Wohnbedarf Basel.

With the subjects appearing in the Basler Zeitung, Wohnbedarf is, as it were, expanding its sales business, according to a statement. It thus shows its unique pieces to friends of modernism, its numerous fans and the general public in an entertaining and memorable way outside the store as well.

The ads will appear in the Baz for two months starting in March, mostly on the front page of the business section. The campaign will be accompanied by online measures, banners and a new website.

> To the subjects (PDF)

Responsible for housing needs: Bruno and Ursula Maurer, Wohnbedarf Basel (overall responsibility). Responsible on agency side: Thomas Petraschke, (CD), Flux Design, Basel. Graphic: Heidi Windlin. Text: Hans Peter Brugger, Basel.


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