Muse & Musse: Norbert Brunner

Muse & MusseNorbert BrunnerWelche kulturelle Veranstaltung haben Sie zuletzt besucht?Norbert Brunner: «Die blaue Periode» von Leonardo di Caprio im Landesmuseum. Weil alles so schön blau war.Was lesen Sie gerade?Brunner: «Der blau

Muse & MusseNorbert Brunner
What was the last cultural event you attended?
Norbert Brunner: "The Blue Period" by Leonardo di Caprio at the National Museum. Because everything was so beautifully blue.
What are you reading right now?
Brunner: "Der blaue Heinrich" by Hermann Hesse.
Which CD do you currently prefer to listen to?
Brunner: Polo Hofer. "Blue-blue-blue blooms the gentian."
Which movie would you most like to see again?
Brunner: "The Blue Lagoon 3". Because "The Blue Lagoon 2" was so good.
What TV show did you fall asleep during the other night?
Brunner: "Girlscamp". Because of Eva Wannenmacher. She was not dressed in blue.
What is your latest discovery on the Internet?
What could you never do without?
Brunner: To the bruises from karting.
What do you do in a free minute?
Brunner: Red! That's logical.
Love is...?
Brunner:...if you are also blue a dear.

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