Display: "Success story

A success story "Do you see the development at TV 3 as an upswing or a downswing?Patrick Eberle: An upswing, because TV 3 is a success story. In the fourth quarter of 2000, the station achieved a nine-percent share of the market.

Success story" display
Is the development at TV 3 an up or a down for you?
Patrick Eberle: It's a success story, because TV 3 is a success story. In the fourth quarter of 2000, the station achieved a nine percent market share among 15- to 49-year-olds, making it number three. Advertising sales in the first quarter of 2001 were three times higher than in the first quarter of 2000, and investments last year were also lower than expected.
Initially, however, it was assumed that the company would break even after four years and invest a total of CHF 60 million. These have now had to be tripled and break-even postponed by one year. Is SBS getting out because it has shorter profit expectations?
Eberle: It's true that we misjudged the market situation at the beginning and a revision was necessary. For SBS, which also has limited resources, TV3 is just one of several TV and radio projects. At the moment, SBS wants to invest more in the Dutch, Polish, Hungarian and Scandinavian markets than here.
There are currently many rumors surrounding Weltwoche. Tamedia has also shown interest. Was there more to it than just an attempt to push up the price?
Eberle: Weltwoche is probably an established Swiss brand. But Tamedia is setting its priorities elsewhere at the moment.
Does a second Sunday title that is higher-class than the SonntagsZeitung (SZ) stand a chance?
Eberle: The Sunday market is interesting, and there is certainly potential for a second highly positioned Sunday title.
One from Tamedia?
Eberle: No. We will position SZ even more clearly and are thus prepared for a possible new market situation.
Interview: Markus Knöpfli

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