Dominique Haussener joins the management team at Evoq

Zurich-based brand and communications agency Evoq is expanding its management team. Dominique Haussener joined the management team in January 2018 and is responsible for strategic consulting.


With him, Evoq has been able to sign up a proven brand consultant and digital expert with many years of experience in general management, according to a statement. In recent years, the 45-year-old Swiss national has held senior positions in digital, branding and design at FischerAppelt's agency group in Hamburg, where he was heavily involved in cross-disciplinary activities.

"Evoq has always taken an interdisciplinary approach. We are very pleased to have Dominique on board, a versatile expert for whom overarching communication solutions are part of daily business. We are convinced that with him we have found the right leader for the sustainable expansion of evoq," emphasizes Adrian Schaffner, Partner of Evoq.

Dominique Haussener sees the great challenges of a brand in keeping its finger on the pulse of time: "If you want to actively shape change and thus be successful, you can't conserve your brand. The task of us as an agency is to continuously recharge a brand and thus surprise it again and again."

Haussener already has a successful and long-standing relationship with the owners Sutter and Schaffner at Interbrand. He holds an Executive MBA from the University of St.Gallen and will be increasingly involved in the operational management.

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