Press Council concerned about possible consequences of "No Billag

The Press Council doubts that the diversity and quality of information on radio and television can be ensured nationwide without public support.


The Press Council is concerned about the possible consequences of a Yes vote on the No Billag initiative on March 4. It doubts that the diversity of information provided by SRG and private radio and TV stations can be maintained after the initiative is adopted.

Likewise, the Press Council doubted in its statement on Monday that the quality of information on radio and television could be ensured nationwide without public support. "No Billag" demands the abolition of radio and TV fees and prohibits the federal government from subsidizing TV and radio stations.

Independent and adequately resourced journalistic media are essential for the functioning of an open and democratic society, according to the Press Council. Media diversity is also a guarantee for good quality information. This quality must be guaranteed for each language region.

The Press Council describes itself as the self-regulatory body of the media industry. (SDA)

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