Mediapulse: Usage figures for streaming and video platforms reported for the first time

Since the beginning of 2021, Mediapulse has been collecting usage figures for streaming services such as Netflix or online video platforms such as YouTube on the basis of extended TV research. The first results on the reach and usage time of relevant non-TV offerings show that so far only YouTube and Netflix have established themselves in Switzerland and that TV consumption is still dominated by TV stations.

With the further development of its TV measurement system, Mediapulse is pursuing the general goal of providing the Swiss TV market with an independent, cross-platform and comparable database with which the use of TV and other moving image offerings can be uniformly quantified and continuously monitored.

In a first expansion stage, the cross-device use of the most important international platforms can be recorded on the basis of the existing TV panel from the beginning of 2021: the streaming providers Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime and Apple TV+ as well as the video platform YouTube. In a second expansion stage, this list will be extended to include domestic web TV platforms from the second quarter of 2021.

The figures presented by Mediapulse for the first quarter of 2021 show firstly that, among the offerings considered, only YouTube and Netflix have so far established themselves in Swiss households. Secondly, a comparison of these two platforms shows that although YouTube achieves a significantly greater daily reach than Netflix (31 percent vs. 11 percent), it is able to retain its users for a shorter period than the streaming service (51 minutes per day vs. 81 minutes per day).

Notwithstanding these success indicators, the figures from Mediapulse make it clear thirdly that domestic consumption of moving images is still dominated by the offerings of the TV stations. If the daily viewing time of TV, YouTube and Netflix is added together, 85 percent of the combined usage budget is attributable to the TV genre.

The usage figures for "Mediapulse Streaming Data" were surveyed in 1,870 households with around 4,300 people. Approximately 9,000 online devices (PCs, laptops, tablets, smartphones, connected TVs) were examined via continuous technical measurement based on audio matching (TV offerings) or router meter (streaming/video offerings). TV usage was measured exclusively on conventional TV sets, while the remaining video content was measured on all screens, i.e., both via the TV set and via PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone.

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