IAB Switzerland acquires a stake in Net-Metrix

IAB Switzerland has acquired shares in Net-Metrix and is thus also involved in the SMDH data collection project jointly initiated by Mediapulse and WEMF. In the future, IAB Switzerland will hold shares amounting to 2.5 percent and will provide a seat on the Board of Directors with David Burst in his function as President of IAB Switzerland.


The board of IAB Switzerland says in a statement on Tuesday: "The project creates an enormous added value. IAB Switzerland stands behind the new currency and the SMDH. With this independent research, cross-publisher net reach for campaigns can be reported in the future." As an industry representative, IAB Switzerland wants to actively support the online currency in general and convergent media research and online campaign research in particular.

With this participation, IAB Switzerland is additionally entitled to the position of a member of the Board of Directors. David Burst was confirmed as a member of the Board of Directors by the Annual General Meeting on June 18, 2018, in his function as Chairman of IAB Switzerland.

The SMDH is working on a solution for a new, uniform and neutral media currency that will allow advertisers to compare their digital campaign performance. The preparatory phase has now been completed. In a first step, publishers are implementing ComScore's tag on a test basis in order to use the data obtained to drive the necessary model development. In a second step, from the second half of 2018, the definitive tag will be successively installed in all offers of the contractual partners, such as websites (stationary and mobile) and apps (Android, iOS). In parallel, the Swiss Media Panel (SMP) will be set up. This means that the usage habits of the Swiss online population will be recorded by means of a representative sample as a further basis for the subsequent method model.

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