"NZZ Folio" launches two new formats

In its January issue, "NZZ Folio" launches two new recurring formats that deal with major contemporary issues - such as the metaverse and the relationship between humans and nature.

What is the metaverse that everyone is talking about and in which entrepreneurs are investing billions? Those who want to explore the virtual worlds find many answers, but are often left wondering. In the coming months, visual NZZ journalist Simon Tanner will embark on a journey into the new Internet, roaming the metaverse as a "meta-flaneur" and documenting his experiences. He shops, plays, talks and walks. He will record his experiences photographically and in videos for "NZZ Folio" and NZZ online.

From now on, the new art column "Vom Wort zum Bild" or "From Image to Word" will be devoted to man's relationship with nature. "NZZ Folio" art director Patrick Savolainen invites poets and artists to participate in a creative exchange. In this way, an artistic intermezzo is created in the midst of each journalistic contribution. The German poet Sabine Scho and the German photographer and neurobiologist Matthias Holtmann will kick things off. They deal with the disappearance of animals.

"The 'NZZ Folio' deals with the big issues of the day, also in the new year. We want to do this smartly and entertainingly, we want to surprise, with contributions that resonate and stay. It is with precisely this intention that we are launching the two new and novel formats," says Aline Wanner, editorial director of "NZZ Folio".

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