Media Focus analyzes sponsorship commitments

Media Focus now also analyzes the visibility of sponsorship engagements, making them comparable with other advertising and communications activities.

Media FocusMedia Focus Switzerland has recently started offering sponsorship analyses for companies and event organizers in the sports, event and culture sectors.
This expands the company's product portfolio, which previously provided analyses of brand presence in advertising and media coverage. The sponsorship analyses show the extent of sponsors' visibility in sports, event and cultural coverage. This makes the success of sponsorship measurable and comparable with other advertising and communication activities.

The focus of the analyses is on the added value of the sponsorship commitment broken down by advertising medium, media type and platforms. The focus is on a consistent evaluation of sponsorship activities across all media channels (classic and digital) using a uniform methodology. In addition to classic media, social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Snapchat are also included in the analyses.


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