175 Years of the Swiss Farmer: Supplements Instead of Celebration

The Schweizer Bauer has been published without interruption for 175 years, making it one of the oldest newspapers in Switzerland. The publisher, Ökonomische Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft Bern, or OGG for short, is delighted about the anniversary. Due to the nature of the corona, a traditional celebration is not planned - but alternatively, theme-specific supplements are planned.


In 1996, the 150th anniversary was celebrated in a festive manner in the Kursaal in Bern. This year, however, the 175th anniversary of the independent newspaper for agriculture is being celebrated with theme-specific extras. Swiss farmer special themed inserts in an addressed bulk run to more than 54,000 farmer addresses in the scope of 12 to 16 additional pages. This production is supported by gold partners and advertisers .

In 1846, no one would have dared to hope that the modest "Wochenblatt für Landwirtschaft und Gartenbau" (Weekly Bulletin of Agriculture and Horticulture) would, 175 years later, become an extensive and colorful Swiss farmer as the most subscribed trade newspaper in Switzerland, can celebrate its anniversary as one of the oldest newspapers in Switzerland.

The Schweizer Bauer is published twice a week, on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and goes out to around 30,000 farming subscribers, as well as upstream and downstream farms, associations and organizations. The newspaper offers relevant information that will serve Swiss farmers for generations as a guide, even in difficult times, to take on the manifold challenges on the farm and in society under constant change and to find solutions. The Swiss farmer wants to continue to be involved and educate Swiss farmers as a helper and advisor.

The anniversary supplements appear in January on the subject of health, in February on "Education";, in March on "Mobility", in May on "Around the House", in June on "Farmers' Markets", in July on "Alpine Cheese", in August on "Swiss Wine", in September on "Sustainable Agriculture", in October on "Farm Energy", in November on "Building and Living" and in December on "Selling Digitally". In April, on the occasion of the general assembly of the publisher OGG, the history of Swiss agriculture and Schweizer Bauer is the focus of a tabloid as a supplement to the newspaper.

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