No-Billag advocates present a "Plan B" for SRG

The proponents of the No Billag initiative are convinced that SRG could exist without fee money. On Tuesday, they presented their "Plan B", which relies on subscriptions and advertising.


With the slogan "Yes SRG: No Billag Yes", the committee is campaigning for the abolition of radio and television fees, i.e. for a Yes to the initiative in the vote on March 4. It argues that SRG is excellently positioned with the audience and in the advertising market. The public service can therefore be largely financed by revenues from the market.

Broadcasts that could not be financed in the market could still be subsidized in the future, the proponents write. For linguistic minorities or peripheral regions, such funding would be largely undisputed.

Radio advertising

It is true that revenues would decline if the fees were abolished, since not all subscriptions would be cancelled. On the other hand, higher revenues can be expected from advertising on TV, radio and online. Today, SRG is not allowed to sell advertising either online or on the radio. There is potential here.

The proponents present scenarios that would still bring the SRG in excess of one billion francs. One of the calculations includes not only subscription and advertising revenues but also subsidies. The federal government would contribute CHF 250 million, the cantons CHF 50 million and the private sector CHF 30 million. In addition, there would be a distribution subsidy of 80 million francs.

Chance instead of end

The SRG is painting in black before the vote for tactical reasons and is talking about lights going out and liquidation if the initiative is accepted, the supporters criticize. Even Media Minister Doris Leuthard has joined this "fear campaign," they say.

This position comes close to an attempted blackmail of the Swiss electorate, said Jean-François Rime, SVP National Councilor and President of the Swiss Trade Association. according to the text of the speech. From the point of view of the supporters, No Billag is not the end of SRG, but an opportunity for a new and independent SRG. (SDA)

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