"Medienclub": Ausholzter Blätterwald - Who still invests in journalism?

In the "Media Club" on Tuesday, Franz Fischlin discusses the current situation in the media world with his guests - including Christoph Blocher.


The media industry is in upheaval. Publishing houses are losing advertising revenue. Subscription figures are also declining. The major newspaper publishers are responding with cost-cutting measures and pooling their resources. Editorial teams are being merged, and newspaper content is being centralized and concentrated. Foreign, domestic, business and sports reporting from a single source for different newspaper titles in different regions. What does this mean for press diversity and the quality of the media, the so-called fourth estate in the state? But also for the diversity of opinion - are we threatened by a big uniform mass?

And should the state now step into the breach, as certain circles are demanding? Or is everything not so bad after all, and investments such as those made by former Federal Councilor Christoph Blocher with the purchase of the 25 free weekly newspapers from Zehnder Verlag are still worthwhile?

Under the direction of Franz Fischlin, discuss in the "Media Club" on Tuesday at 10:25 pm:

  • Christoph Blocher, partner BaZ-Holding with Zehnder Regionalmedia
  • Susan Boos, Editorial Manager "Weekly WOZ
  • Jacqueline Badran, entrepreneur, National Councillor SP/ZH
  • Arthur Rutishauser, Editor-in-Chief of "Tages-Anzeiger" and "SonntagsZeitung

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