"Tagesschau" upsets Romansh people

Tageschau" has infuriated the umbrella organization of Romansh speakers. The failure to mention Romansh in a report on languages in Switzerland has resulted in an intervention with the ombudsman's office of SRG Deutschschweiz.

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The Lia Rumantscha, the umbrella organization of the Rhaeto-Romanic language associations, has objected to the "Tagesschau" main edition on Wednesday evening. The program reported on Switzerland's quadrilingualism and multilingualism without mentioning Switzerland's fourth national language, Romansh, the association said on Thursday.

The Lia Rumantscha's complaint about the broadcast to the Ombudsman's Office of SRG German-speaking Switzerland is essentially based on the fact that the "Tagesschau" report did not meet the requirements of the Federal Law on Radio and Television. It also criticizes the failure to mention Romansh as a partial official language.

SRF said on Thursday that "Tagesschau" had singled out one aspect in its coverage of the Federal Statistical Office's language report, namely the shift in the main languages. In the case of Romansh, there had been no significant change between 1970 and 2014. For this reason, Romansh was not explicitly mentioned in the text and graph. According to SRF, this omission could have been briefly mentioned in the text. The complaint to the Ombudsman's Office of SRG German-speaking Switzerland is noted by SRF, it said. (SDA)

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