Criticism of "Rundschau" rejected

Lysistrada, the Solothurn prostitutes' ombudswoman, has been unsuccessful in its complaint against the "Rundschau". The report "Sex ohne Gummi" ("Sex without rubber") has no journalistic flaws, writes the deputy SRG ombudswoman in her report published on Tuesday.


One-sided, sensationalist, unfair and partly wrong in terms of content: in its complaint, the Lysistrada advice center expressed its outrage at a "Rundschau" report on sex workers in Olten. Those responsible at Lysistrada criticized the fact that the Report "Sex without rubber" the women's personal rights had been violated. Their point of view had not been mentioned. In addition, the selection of interview partners was poor. A state media outlet should be expected to inquire "about the appropriate procedure" beforehand. Lysistrada also described the hidden camera footage of street prostitution in Olten as "highly problematic". The "Rundschau" did not even bother to distort the voices of the prostitutes so that they were now easily identifiable. It also showed clients from all over Switzerland which women were willing to have sex without a condom.

"Buying a woman"

However, the deputy ombudswoman Sylvia Egli von Matt does not see any particular journalistic shortcomings in the "Sex ohne Gummi" report. Editorial freedom applies. The editors decide with whom they conduct interviews and how they structure the report. The women certainly had their say, after all, the journalists had interviewed several sex workers. The women were optically well protected by the hidden camera. Acoustic distortion was not necessary. "It would have been difficult or even impossible to recognize them acoustically." The ombudswoman only agrees with the advice center on one linguistic subtlety: the phrase "buying a woman" is unwise and incorrect, writes von Matt. Sex is bought, not the woman. Lysistrada argued that anyone who goes for a massage does not buy a masseur. (SDA)

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