Complaint filed against ECO

The Swiss Homeowners Association (HEV) has filed a complaint with the ombudsman against the Swiss television business magazine ECO.

The reports and comments in the program on the inheritance tax initiative were one-sided and incorrect, the move is explained. Last Monday evening, the SRF business magazine reported on the initiative, which will be put to the ballot box on June 14, in a special report. In a statement on Thursday, the Swiss Homeowners' Association expressed concern about "the editorial error". The HEV described it as "irresponsible" that a broadcaster financed by fees would broadcast such one-sided reports in the run-up to an important referendum and claim that 98 percent of the population would not be affected by the inheritance tax. It therefore submitted a complaint to the ombudsman's office of Swiss Radio and Television (SRF).

About the show

The popular initiative "Taxing inheritances worth millions for our AHV" (inheritance tax reform) calls for the introduction of a national inheritance and gift tax of 20 percent. Inheritances and gifts totaling less than CHF 2 million are tax-free. The SP, Greens, EVP and CSP as well as the Swiss Federation of Trade Unions and the Christian organization ChristNet are behind the petition. With the tax on large inheritances, they want to distribute wealth more fairly. Parliament and the Federal Council are against the initiative. (SDA)

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