SRG wants more women in management and at the top

SRG wants to increase the proportion of women in its management bodies to 30 percent by 2020. The SRG Board of Directors gave the green light for a corresponding proposal from the Executive Board last Thursday.

The target - SRG does not speak of "quota" - is to apply across all SRG corporate units, general management and subsidiaries Publisuisse, Swiss TXT and TPC, SRG spokesman Daniel Steiner said Sunday, confirming a report by Schweiz am Sonntag.

In view of the turnover rate in management and the retirements in the coming years, the goal is realistic. At present, however, only two women sit on the nine-member SRG Board of Directors. The Executive Board with Director General Roger de Weck has eight men and no women.

In principle, the target value should apply at all management levels. "The different starting points must be taken into account. In technical areas, the target value is unrealistic in the long term; nevertheless, the 30 percent target should be achieved overall," explained Steiner.

Enable flexible part-time and job-sharing

When filling new management positions, SRG systematically checks whether the position can also be advertised and filled on a part-time basis. Management staff with small children are also offered flexible part-time work. Wherever possible, the job-sharing model should be tried out.

With the target for the Board of Directors, SRG is complying with a directive of the Federal Council, according to which a target quota of 30 percent for both genders applies to boards of directors of companies close to the federal government. The directive came into force at the beginning of 2014 and also applies to SBB, Swiss Post and Finma, among others.

The Federal Council is largely responsible for ensuring that the target quota for members of the board of directors is achieved: it elects the members of the board of directors or individual members of the board of directors of federally-affiliated companies either directly, as in the case of SRG or Swiss Post, or indirectly via the general meeting of shareholders controlled by the federal government, as in the case of SBB.

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