Radio 105 ceases operation

Although Roger Schawinski confirmed his intention to help the struggling Radio 105 at the last minute on Tuesday, the station ceased operations in the late afternoon.

Late Tuesday afternoon, the presenter said goodbye to listeners, and around half past four, Radio 105 ceased broadcasting as reports. It seems that the rescue plans announced on Monday by Roger Schawinski ( reported) came too late, at least for the time being.

Save, don't dismiss

At Interview with on Tuesday morning, the radio pioneer reaffirmed his plan, expressed the day before, to take over Radio 105, which was about to go out of business, and to maintain broadcasting operations in the premises of Radio 1 without interruption. He said he was convinced of the 105 program, and that the city of Zurich needed a youth radio station. Today, most media can only survive if they work together and use synergies. He did not want to lay off people, but to save a station, to pay for the outstanding January salaries and to save jobs. If Radio 1 and Radio 105 performed together, rapid growth would be possible in an otherwise "crusty market" for young stations.

Nothing heard yet, but open to takeover

On Tuesday, 105 boss Giuseppe Scaglione was less confident about Schawinski's plans. He had already spoken with him in advance, when he was trying to find solutions to save the station, Scaglione said on Radio 105. At the time, Schawinski had shown no interest. However, Scaglione was open to any serious rescue attempt: "If it is a serious intention, it is welcome and must be examined." The problem, he said, is that as of today he still has no proposal on the table, while time is running "insanely short." Because: Radio 105 no longer has a possible rescue in its own hands, since a bankruptcy judge is already involved.

It looks like the bankruptcy office pre-empted Schawinski's plans for a possible rescue. Whether this is really the definitive end of Radio 105, only the near future will show. (hae)

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