Syndicom: Alternative projects deserve a chance

In a statement issued on Tuesday, Syndicom is calling for a postponement of the closure of the Baz printing plant in order to give the staff's alternative projects for continuing the printing plant under its own management a real chance.

Syndicom, the media and communications union, writes that the Basler Zeitung Medien ( reported) ignores the fact that the falling circulation figures and the dwindling acceptance of the flagship Basler Zeitung are largely due to the newspaper's trimming to a hard right-wing course. It is also ignored that in the background Christoph Blocher with his project "Baz nackt" had long since set the course to drop the newspaper printing plant.

The employees of the newspaper printing plant have not remained idle in recent weeks; they see realistic chances for a newspaper printing plant in Basel. To date, several variants for a management buyout or a continuation of the printing plant at a new location in Basel have been worked out. Syndicom demands that these staff projects for a Basel printing plant with a future be given a serious chance by the owners of Baz Medien. Closure at the end of March would be too short notice for a successful new start.

The staff deserved this chance and the owners of Baz Medien had the money to be able to bear losses even for a few months, Syndicom added. Next Friday, the staff will discuss the further procedure together with the union.

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