Publicitas: Online survey conducted on campaign advertisements

Publicitas hat die Wahrnehmung, das Image und die Funktion von Aktionsinseraten in Printmedien analysiert. Dazu wurden 1'000 Personen online befragt.

Publicitas writes in a press release that there is a difference of opinion about promotional advertisements in print media, which are used primarily by retailers and wholesalers to inform customers about current special offers. While advertisers like to discredit them as "pork belly advertising" due to their design, they enjoy great and unbroken popularity among advertisers. However, the image that this form of advertising enjoys among consumers has so far remained an open question.

Publicitas investigated this question with the help of an online survey of 1'000 householders in German-speaking Switzerland. The results of the survey demonstrate a high level of acceptance of the campaign ads, which is primarily due to the information and utility value attributed to them. In addition, the study makes it possible to relate the perception of promotion ads to both purchasing behavior and media use. Among other things, it shows that promotional ads can develop their potential impact optimally in print media.

The data from the study are available online for a license fee via the evaluation tool AdPlanning in the AdMarket of Publimedia, which can be used, for example, to break down the results by different media groups, such as newsstand or free newspapers or customer magazines.


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