24 heures celebrates 250th birthday

Im kommenden Jahr blickt die Waadtländer Tageszeitung 24 heures auf 250 Jahre Zeitungsgeschichte zurück. Zum ersten Mal erschien sie am 29. Juni 1762 – noch als Wochenzeitung und unter dem Namen «Feuille d'avis de Lausanne», was so viel wie Lausanner Meinungsblatt heisst.

24 heures is the second oldest newspaper in Switzerland that is still published, the newspaper wrote in a communiqué on Thursday. In 1872, the newspaper was no longer published only once a week, but daily. Its definitive name 24 heures finally received in 1972.

In the coming year, 24 heures will devote an entire page to its anniversary from Monday to Friday. It also plans to celebrate its birthday with a musical spectacle on September 21 and 22, 2012. A 23-meter high and 27-meter wide screen will be erected. In its center there will be room for 300 singers and about 15 musicians. The whole spectacle will last about an hour. Fireworks are to round off the evening.

Around 140 employees work regularly for 24 heures. The newspaper, published by Edipresse, has a circulation of 79'000 copies and is read by around 223'000 people. (SDA)

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