TBS digitizes the ABZ annual report

For the first time, TBS has designed the ABZ Annual Report 2020 as a digital platform and made it accessible to all interested parties. In this way, what has been achieved together can be experienced in a contemporary and interactive way - and inspire further good ideas.

TBS digitalisiert den ABZ-JahresberichtThe annual reporting of Allgemeine Baugenossenschaft Zürich ABZ was redesigned from the ground up. The new digital platform is designed for several years in the spirit of a sustainable solution, and what has been achieved can be experienced in a multimedia and interactive way. At the same time, the ABZ is to become accessible to a broader audience of internal and external stakeholders.

Doing instead of talking

Through ABZ's consistent participatory approach, much is accomplished each year. On the strategy 100+which is continuously being developed together, is followed by concrete measures.

However, the ABZ not only plans its activities with its members, but also implements them together with them. The annual report uses real measures and implemented projects to show how the major goals are being achieved. In this way, the annual report also motivates further co-creators to actively participate.

The guiding principle "Making an impact together" will thus become the overarching theme for the coming years and will be reinterpreted again and again via varying thematic focuses. In 2020, this will take place confidently under the motto "Making. After all, far too often there is talk about visions, goals and sustainability, but at the end of the day, very little of it is actually implemented.

Lively annual reporting

The sustainability and financial report is to become tangible via relevant topics from the everyday life of the ABZ. The doers - initiators and project managers, the board of directors and the committed residents - are brought to the fore. The projects and protagonists show the diversity and complexity of ABZ activities and are intended to inspire for the coming year. A mix of reports, photo spreads, interviews and infographics creates new perspectives and variety. Video and podcast formats are used to exploit the possibilities of digital channels for an attractive and entertaining presentation of the topics.

TBS and ABZ work closely together in planning the topics and implementing the content. ABZ contributed all editorial texts, while the platform's UX design, videos, images and illustrations were implemented in-house by TBS.

Invitation to participate

In addition to a digital platform, a print booklet was produced that provides an overview of what has been achieved - and at the same time invites people to take a closer look at the topics on the online platform. The booklet was sent to all members of the cooperative with the invitation to the general meeting.

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