Four books that might interest you

In cooperation with GetAbstract, we once again present four new books from the marketing sector. This time: "Hands on Design Thinking", "Reality Shock", "Camera Rolling!" and "Positive Leadership".


Hands on Design Thinking

  • Author: Conrad Glitza, Rosa-Sophie Hamburger and Michael Metzger
  • Publisher: Vahlen, 2019
  • Pages: 137
  • ISBN: 9783800660735

Innovations cannot be forced. But you can provide a breeding ground on which delicate seedlings of ideas can optimally mature into an innovation. This breeding ground is called design thinking. It is a user-centered creative process for finding ideas. The authors explain the method in a structured and entertaining way using a concrete case study. In addition, they provide many valuable impulses for implementation on 40 moderation cards. A guide worth reading for anyone who wants to know how design thinking works in practice.


Reality shock

Ten lessons from the present. 

  • Author: Sascha Lobo
  • Publisher: KiWi, 2019
  • Pages: 392
  • ISBN: 9783462053227

In Reality Shock, Sascha Lobo covers what he sees as the most important debate topics of the present: climate change, migration, the shift to the right, AI, social media. Particularly worth reading is his analysis of the Chinese striving for a cybernetic society, with the surprising punchline that the West is also lurching in this direction. Anyone who understands how to view the present as the past will already recognize in this book an important contemporary document.


Camera running!

Make video marketing and video campaigns successful. 

  • Author: Thomas Bitzer-Prill and Wolfram Wagner
  • Publisher: Haufe, 2018
  • Pages: 260
  • ISBN: 9783648118337

Two video producers set out to put as much as possible about filming videos into one book. The legal situation, the budget, the technology, shooting, editing, distribution - a lot for one topic. But the authors are experts, have studied in the field, have been working in it for years and consequently provide a lot of insider tips. For absolute laymen, this may be a bit too much and too technical. However, if you already have basic knowledge or are not put off by technical terms, you will get a comprehensive overview of how to produce good videos.


Positive Leadership

Successful leadership with PERMA-Lead: the five keys to high performance. 

  • Author: Markus Ebner
  • Publisher: Facultas Verlag, 2019
  • Pages: 536
  • ISBN: 9783708916866

Although the findings of positive psychology are obvious, they do not receive the attention they deserve in many companies. Many managers still see themselves as critics and controllers instead of letting their employees develop their strengths. This book guides managers to help their employees do just that - and thus increase the company's performance and innovation. It not only provides a good overview, but also makes you want to get started and start leading in a strengths-oriented way right away.


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