The starting signal has been given for the Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards 2021

Die 12. Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards zeichnen auch 2021 die weltbesten Wirtschaftsfilme, Online-Medien, Dokumentationen und Reportagen aus. Filmschaffende, Auftraggeber, Produzenten, Agenturen, Fernsehsender und Studenten aus aller Welt können besten Produktionen in den Wettbewerb um die Delphin-Trophäen schicken.


A jury of experienced and award-winning experts from all relevant disciplines will be appointed as part of the 12th Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards this summer will evaluate all submissions and decide on the awards for the best productions in the total of 46 categories.


New categories

A separate category has been created for corporate films from the field of "technology, research and development", providing space for works exclusively from these specialist areas.

In the section documentaries and reports there is with the 12th issue a separate category for "current events", in which, for example, the many productions on the subject of Covid-19 should also find appropriate space.

For students, a separate category for "documentaries" has been created and thus, starting with this festival edition, they also have the possibility to submit their productions separated by genre.


Early Bird advantage until March 23

There is an early bird discount of ten percent on all submissions completed by March 23, 2021. Submissions can be made in the following main categories:

  • A. Corporate movies and videos
  • B. Documentaries and reports (TV, online, cinema)
  • C. Corporate Online Media
  • D. Production Arts & Crafts and E. Student Films

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