Cover Media: New explanatory film for the University Children's Hospital of Basel

UKBB wants to develop into the University Children's Hospital of Northwestern Switzerland; Cover Media supports this with a new explanatory film.

Competent and human: For the coming years, in addition to providing the best possible treatment for its patients, the University Children's Hospital of Basel has set itself the goal of continuing its digital transformation and developing into the University Children's Hospital of Northwestern Switzerland through nationwide collaborations. A new explanatory film by Cover Media, supplemented by motion design, goes into more detail on this topic.

In the short film, interested parties vividly learn everything that is important for the hospital's strategy - and gain insights into everyday hospital life. The audio and film production company Cover Media took care of production, filming, editing and music.

Responsible at UKBB: Martin Bruni (Communications Officer). Cover Media: Production, filming, editing, music.


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