Companies send out more media releases during crisis

Swiss companies have stepped up their communications in the current Corona crisis. Compared to the previous month of February, the number of media releases distributed in March rose by 22 percent. However, the topic of the "corona virus" only partly determines the messages, as an evaluation by News Aktuell shows.

News Aktuell

For Swiss companies, communication remains an important tool even in the crisis. In March 2020, the press portal counted 1,137 distributed messages, compared to 932 in February - an increase of 22 percent.

The coronavirus is a topic, but does not determine communication Since the beginning of February, an increasing number of messages on the topic of coronavirus have been distributed. While in February an average of three percent of all messages contained the keyword "coronavirus," the number of media releases dealing with the topic increased significantly in March. On average, one in four releases in March dealt with corona (26 percent).

In total, around 300 reports on the subject of coronavirus were published on in the two months of February and March. This corresponds to an overall share of 16 percent. Accordingly, the majority of media releases (84 percent) continue to be distributed on traditional communication topics, such as product topics or personalities, despite the current crisis.

This trend is also reflected in the search queries on The most frequent searches in February and March were for specific companies - search queries for "Corona" or "Coronavirus" increased slightly during March, but over the two months, on average, only two percent of press portal visitors inquired about this topic. Of the ten most-clicked media releases in February and March, five were related to Corona. (pd)

News Aktuell evaluated over 2000 media releases published on between February 1 and March 31, 2020.

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