More safety at events

Security at events is becoming increasingly important, and traditional security arrangements are no longer sufficient to ensure a hazard-free event. Security concepts must be rethought in order to counteract the current multi-layered threat situation. Today, however, those responsible must recognize further potential dangers and evaluate, analyze and derive appropriate measures long before the event.With "Habegger Security", the Habegger Group creates new approaches to appropriately counteract current dangers. [...]

Bouncer in a discotheque
Security at events is becoming increasingly important, and traditional security arrangements are no longer sufficient to ensure a hazard-free event. Security concepts must be rethought in order to counteract the current multi-layered threat situation. Today, however, those responsible must recognize further potential dangers and evaluate, analyze and derive appropriate measures long before the event.With "Habegger Security"The Habegger Group is creating new approaches to appropriately counteract current dangers. "As a service provider in live communication, we are confronted with a wide variety of event security issues on a daily basis and are very familiar with evolved challenges and needs of event organizers," comments Simon Ackermann, CEO of Habegger Group.Habegger Security includes the following services:ConsultingThe Habegger expert pool, consisting of nationally and internationally experienced security specialists, accompanies from analysis to local execution on site.SimulationCalculation of highly complex movements of people and simulation of all scenarios that can occur at an event.MeasurementCapture and analyze visitor data in real time. This is achieved with the mobile counting system "Habegger Crowd Counter".Visual SecurityA monitoring concept, the technical specialist planning, as well as construction and operation from a single source.Air surveillance / drone defenseThe first mobile air surveillance and drone defense system available in Europe for event operations.CrowdsensingCrowdsensing tools monitor visitor flows at large events by locating and analyzing visitors' smartphones.Habegger Security DaysTo raise awareness of this issue, the Habegger Group is organizing the Security Days. These will take place on May 16 and 17 in Zurich's Hallenstadion.

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